Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Answering other peoples' email

I am a big research freak when it comes to beliefs, religion, God, Jesus, etc... I like to look in to things before I decide what I really believe. Long story short, I found a website that I really enjoy that denounces the Christian belief in Hell.
Obviously the poor guy who runs the site is pretty unpopular with the masses who are comfortable following the various organized religions, so he gets a lot of hate mail.
I was inspired today to reply to one of the emails in his forums that he has yet to reply to.
The following is the email:

Hi Ray,
There's no polite way to say this... but, you are a hopeless, faithless dipshit.Jesus was a great teacher. Jesus was our most accomplished and important sage in history. And Jesus would kick your a@@ roundly and soundly for the blather you spew. Jesus, however, did not tell us he was the "son of God". He did instead, when his words are returned to the proper context, tell us that we were all (including himself) in fact, the sons and daughters of God.You, my friend and brother, have had what is referred to as a satori, an instance of enlightenment. That's terrific! But what's important to recognize is that your personal level of consciousness development determines how one interprets it.It's that way for us all. While we do all get them at one or more occasions, the way we interpret them varies greatly. And hence, so does the effect they have on others as we disseminate what we think we have learned.But when we run off as if we suddenly had "all the answers" as your absurd website does, we bear the responsibility of accomplishing far more harm than good. Self-responsibility is at the very core of Jesus' teachings; right alongside the "golden rule" and the all-important tenets of love and compassion.In a nutshell, Jesus would be disappointed in such an approach. Missing the point so completely and then willfully attempting to spread that misinterpretation without having completed your "homework" would be frowned upon by him.Please take down your website for the time being.Instead, reflect on the other possible (and much more complete) meaning of what you have learned. In that way, you will be honoring his teachings and won't instead be wreaking harm and havoc on those less fortunate than yourself. Those who have not yet recognized their own moment of enlightenment might then begin to find meaningful direction for their own lives..Then, when you have adequately clarified what you have actually learned, you'll find that you have also learned how best to disseminate it to the greatest number of people. Therein lies your true purpose.As it presently stands, it's just adding to the confusion.


I would like to take the opportunity to reply:

I doubt very much Jesus would kick any ass. Jesus was the dude that preached turn the other cheek, remember?
"But when we run off as if we suddenly had "all the answers" as your absurd website does, we bear the responsibility of accomplishing far more harm than good. Self-responsibility is at the very core of Jesus' teachings; right alongside the "golden rule" and the all-important tenets of love and compassion a nutshell, Jesus would be disappointed in such an approach. Missing the point so completely and then willfully attempting to spread that misinterpretation without having completed your "homework" would be frowned upon by him."
Seriously, what religion are you? Every Christian church on the planet has done this.

As to call someone a dipshit for hosting a website that conveys his beliefs: Really? Do you really want to tell someone they don't know a thing about Jesus and then call them a dipshit? Do you see why people hate Christians now? You said it yourself: Jesus was about love and compassion. Calling people a dipshit, not so loving or compassionate.

So Berd, the next time you want to call someone names, look in the mirror. Dipshit.

Jeremy Star

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