Saturday, April 21, 2007


It must be said that I am a prejudiced man.
I absolutely despise a large portion of the human race: Stupid people.

That must be why I work at a help desk, to humble myself by dealing with these types of people all f**king day long.

I still don't understand why, in the year 2007, you can walk in to a business that uses computers in their day to day operations and obtain a job while knowing absolutely nothing about computers. I'm not talking about knowing how to open it up and fix things, I'm talking about knowing how to left, right, and double click.

Take today, I had a hospital employee call who was pissed off because she couldn't find the "any" key. Seriously. I had to explain to this person that "hit any key to continue" means you can hit any key on the keyboard. I know, it sounds made up, and I wouldn't believe it myself if I hadn't had to experience it. The urge to ask this woman how the hell she remains employed was overwhelming. It's not like she's a janitor, she is getting prescription drugs for people!

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